主讲人:吴孝钿 上海海事大学副教授
地点:腾讯会议 478 127 447
主讲人介绍:吴孝钿,上海海事大学副教授,加拿大约克大学应用数学博士,加拿大西安大略大学应用数学系和蒙特利尔大学药学系博士后研究员。主要从事经虫媒传播的传染病的数学建模以及药理学中的药物动力学的数学分析和数值仿真。在J Math Biol、Bull Math Biol、J Theor Biol、Environ Health Perspect、J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn等生物数学和药学重要期刊发表论文二十多篇。曾主持国家青年基金一项以及海外加拿大魁北克省博士后基金项目(FRQNT)。
内容介绍:The classic pharmacokinetic models assume that all patients perfectly follow dosing regimens during drug treatment, whereas the significant factor of patients ‘drug adherence does not take into account. In this talk, considering binomial distribution at each dosing event, we reformulate the classic compartment pharmacokinetic models in stochastic framework, and analyze their qualitative properties including the expectation and variance of the plasma concentration, existence of the limit drug distribution, stochastic stability such as recurrence and other important properties. In addition, the sensitivity of adherence-related parameters to the key values of expectation and variance is analyzed. Our findings can provide important theoretical guidance for the properties of drug concentration and help the design of the medication regimen. Moreover, our approach also provides the possibility for the further study of individual-based drug adherence for long term drug treatment and drug resistance development of many diseases such as HIV.